Fund Your Business with Kiva!

Virtual - Zoom Event

Kiva Informational Session and Showcase of Current Kiva Borrowers Seeking Support About this Event Kiva, a pioneering crowdfunding platform started in 2005, enables individuals who do not have access toContinue reading…


Ohio SBDC Small Business Tax Workshop

Virtual - Zoom Event

Business tax laws, legal structure, deductions and expenses explained by local CPAs and tax professionals. Existing or prospective small business owners or the self-employed person can learn about their federalContinue reading…


Ohio SBDC Edicion Digital

Virtual - Zoom Event

Tema: Información Clave sobre Compensación para Trabajadores para Dueños de Negocios Únase a nosotros para una conversación con la Oficina de Compensación para Trabajadores de Ohio (BWC) y obtenga informaciónContinue reading…

Marketing Plan Workshop

Virtual - Zoom Event

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin Whether you are launching a new business, need to increase awareness, achieve sales goals, or diversify your targetContinue reading…


Ohio SBDC Edicion Digital

Virtual - Zoom Event

Invitado: Catholic Social Services Tema: Mercadito Raíces, de la idea al lanzamiento de tu negocio ¡Estás Invitado! Únete a nosotros en The Ohio SBDC Digital Edition para conocer más sobre Catholic SocialContinue reading…

Fund Your Business with Kiva!

Columbus Metropolitan Library 96 S Grant Avenue, Columbu, OH, United States

Kiva Informational Session and Showcase of Current Kiva Borrowers Seeking Support About this Event Kiva, a pioneering crowdfunding platform started in 2005, enables individuals who do not have access toContinue reading…
